New Year, New Goals, New Opportunities

As you turned the page on the new year, you may have set a New Year’s resolution that you’ve already fumbled. If so, you’re not alone. Did you know that most people who set New Year’s resolutions quit within the first week? 

So many people set resolutions because it’s “the thing to do.” That fancy New Year’s ball drops in Times Square, and suddenly, we think we’ll find new motivation to go to the gym, eat healthier foods, get in a better routine with our kids, or make sure the kitchen sink is clean before bed.

It doesn’t take long before reality hits, and the wheels fall off our resolution train. 

But just because your year didn’t start as planned doesn’t mean you have to give up on your vision for the future.


Look For Opportunities To Grow

Looking toward the months ahead, you may consider where there are opportunities for your growth, self-discovery, and transformation. If being a single mom is relatively new for you, it’s okay to let your "new normal" take center stage, not just in your daily routines but also in your personal development. 

As you navigate the challenges of single parenting, now is the perfect time to reflect on your past, drop your emotional baggage, and embrace the journey toward a brighter future. Your goals for the next few months don’t have to take a lot of time or money, but they will cost determination and commitment.

Let’s Talk About Forgiveness

Forgiveness. What a tough but powerful word.

Forgiveness is a catalyst for change and is pivotal in moving toward personal growth and transformation. Single moms often carry the weight of past hurts and disappointments, whether from broken relationships or unfulfilled expectations. 

Forgiveness is a beautiful goal to set for the new year. 

There is no better time to release resentment and allow room for healing. Forgiving doesn't mean forgetting; it isn’t an act that lets others off the hook. Instead, it's a conscious choice to liberate yourself from harboring grudges and carrying around anger. When you forgive, you let go.

Forgiveness is about YOU and for YOU!

Forgiveness gives you your life back. It brings peace, calm, and serenity. It gives you time and energy to spend on the sweetness of life instead of a merry-go-round of complaining and keeping resentments alive. 

How To Make Forgiveness A Goal

Write down who you need to forgive and why. Be accurate and objective. Don’t make excuses for someone else or rationalize why they hurt you. You need to be clear about how and why you are hurt so you have an opportunity to move forward. 

Take a few deep breaths.

It can be helpful to look at your list of people and circumstances and ask yourself, “What did I learn from the pain and hurt?” God never wastes anything in our lives–even the hard things. Pray through each offense and pray for each person. It may take time to forgive, and that’s okay. 

When you’re ready, it can be helpful to say out loud, “I let this go,” or “I forgive you.” Breathe into it and feel the release of that burden you’ve been carrying.


Learn to Lighten The Load

Speaking of carrying a burden, give your emotional damage its required attention this year. Being a single mom isn’t easy. You may be working multiple jobs to make ends meet or lack financial and family support you desperately need. Housing and childcare can be complicated. Add to all those things, emotional wounds that still cut deep.  

Mama, your “new normal” beckons you to confront each challenge and wound head-on, acknowledging them as part of your journey while actively seeking ways to grow, mend, and rebuild. 

Don’t Walk Alone. Find Support. 

Seeking support from friends, family, church, recovery groups, and professional counseling can be crucial to your healing. We were made to be in a community connected to each other.


Go Ahead And Drop The Bags

Your emotional baggage can accumulate over time and hinder your ability to move forward. This new year, you can make a conscious effort to declutter your life—physically and emotionally. Assess what serves you well and what holds you back. Whether it's unhealthy thoughts, toxic relationships, or even material possessions, shedding unnecessary baggage creates space for new experiences and opportunities.

It’s okay to let go of the things you no longer need. 


Dropping Your Baggage When You’re Ready To Date

See Obstacles As Opportunities

As single moms, we are no strangers to resilience, determination, and the ability to adapt. There will be obstacles, but you can remain committed to your personal development and growth. Embrace the challenges as opportunities for learning and self-discovery, and see each obstacle as a stepping stone.


We’d Love To Pray For You

Let us know how we can specifically pray for you as you begin this year. Whether you’re new to solo parenting or you’ve been doing it a long time, we understand how overwhelming it can be. Let God meet you in each moment—starting now. We’re here for you— call our prayer line at (855-822-pray) for 24/7, immediate assistance.


Looking for additional resources during this transition period? Check out our two podcast episodes below!

Forgiveness : The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Letting Go of Baggage


From Brokeness to Healthy Connections in Dating


Healthy Family Boundaries During the Holidays