“It’s Mama Time!” Self-Care Tips for Single Moms

Hey, Mama! You’re doing one of the toughest jobs in the world right now. You are juggling work, household responsibilities, and caring for your kids. It’s not easy. But you know what is easy? Putting your needs on the back burner.

WARNING: Things we put on the back burner are bound to get burned—or at least burnt out.

We’re giving you permission to take care of yourself. Self-care isn’t a luxury—it's a necessity for your well-being and your family's health. And it might be easier than you think. Let’s explore the importance of self-care and delve into various practices that can improve mental clarity and kick your anxiety to the curb.


Why Is Self-Care So Important?

As a single mom, it's natural to prioritize your kid's needs above your own. However, neglecting your own well-being can lead to greater anxiety and stress and impact your ability to care for your family effectively. 

Self-care isn't selfish—it's an act of self-preservation. 

By taking time to nurture and care for yourself, you'll be better equipped to handle the demands of single parenthood with resilience and grace.

Let’s Explore Simple Self-Care Practices

Self-care looks different for everyone, and finding what works best for you is important. Here are a few simple practices that you can do just about anywhere, and they’ll promote healing within your heart and mind.  

Practice Mindfulness & Meditation

Mindfulness involves being present in the moment and cultivating awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment. We’ve found it’s best paired with Christ-centered meditation. The best part about practicing mindfulness and meditation together is hearing God’s voice more clearly. 

When we sit at God’s feet and open up space in our bodies, minds, and spirits, Christ will work. As the Psalmist promises, “He searches us and knows us and will point out any wayward way within us.” -Psalm 139 

Both mindfulness and meditation provide a space for calm reflection and inner peace.

Engage In Self-Reflection:

Self-reflection involves looking inward and examining your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It allows you to gain insight into your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth. Journaling can be a powerful tool for self-reflection, providing a safe space to express your feelings and track your progress on your journey to healing. 

Regular reflection also reminds us to constantly "check in" on our spiritual lives. Reflecting daily on what God is doing and has done in our lives makes living in God's presence easier. Reflection allows us to look for God—in our own lives, our kids' lives, others around us, our church, and the world.

Nurture Healthy Relationships:

The word “single” can be isolating, can’t it? Hey, Mama, remember this: one is a whole number. You’re a complete and valuable person, created in the image of God and made for healthy relationships. 

Cultivating supportive relationships with friends, family members, and other single parents can provide a sense of belonging and community. Surrounding yourself with people who uplift and encourage you can boost your mood and resilience. 

Shepherd’s Village has built a Christ-centered, caring community for single moms who need a safe place to make healthy, emotional connections with others.  While we may be unable to provide all your needs, we can supply you with a hearty dose of hope.

Prioritizing Your Physical Health

Taking care of your physical health is an integral part of self-care. Mama, we know it’s not easy, but you have to make time for regular movement, nourishing meals, and adequate sleep. Physical activity releases endorphins, naturally improving your mood and energy. Proper nutrition and rest are essential for overall well-being.


Moving Past Hurts, Habits, and Hang-Ups

As a single mom, you may carry emotional baggage from past hurts, habits, or hang-ups that hinder your ability to embrace self-care fully. Whether it's unresolved trauma, negative self-talk, or unhealthy coping mechanisms, confronting these challenges is crucial for your healing journey.

Seek God

Ask God to help you identify the things that are holding you back and pray for Him to help you overcome them. He can help you move beyond them through His power of forgiveness, mercy, and love. Trust God to give you the courage to take steps toward a healthy mind, body, and spirit.

Find Support

Shepherd’s Village can act as a bridge of support to local group meetings, churches, education, and trauma and abuse services. We empower single moms to navigate life’s challenges with resilience. Friends, family, church, and community can help but also reach out for professional help if you're struggling to overcome past traumas or unhealthy patterns. 

Practice Self-Compassion

Be gentle with yourself as you navigate the ups and downs of single parenthood. Practice self-compassion by acknowledging your efforts and achievements, even on the toughest days. Treat yourself with the kindness and understanding you would offer a dear friend.

Set Boundaries

Mama, learning to set boundaries is an essential part of protecting your time, energy, and emotional well-being. Prioritize activities and relationships that nourish your soul, and learn to say no to anything that drains your resources or adds unnecessary stress.


Move Beyond Survival

Self-care promotes inner healing and cultivates resilience in the face of life's challenges. 

You deserve to thrive, not just survive, on your journey through single parenthood.

God sees your heart. He can help you heal as you carve out time for self-care. He knows when you feel like you need just a little more light in your day to accomplish your tasks. If time is what you need to practice better self-care, ask God for it. After all, time is in His hands.

If you’re struggling to care for yourself, give up your past hurts, habits, and hangups, or trust God with the details of your day-to-day life, Shepherd’s Village invites you to reach out to us. Let us know how we can pray for you and anyway, we can help you find hope.


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