Finding Confidence in Our World’s ‘New Normal’

Single motherhood means you are responsible for your family's physical, emotional, mental, and financial well-being. If those everyday concerns weren’t stressful enough, let’s throw in a pandemic, job loss, homelessness, and economic inflation – more unknowns, more stress, more fear, and more questions.

It’s easy to understand how and why single mothers are feeling the weight of the world right now and losing any confidence once gained. But what does the reality of single parenthood actually look like in our world’s ‘new normal,’ and how can a mother regain the confidence she lost? 

The Reality 

“I am looking for help finding a short term (or long term) rental for a family of 6. We must be out by tomorrow morning. I have been searching for rentals to no avail with the way the housing market is currently. Most places are wanting $2,700-$3,000 a month with first, last, and security, proof of those funds, and paystubs requiring a minimum of 3x the monthly rent. I work full-time, and the kids are all full-time students, one of whom is graduating next month and heading to FSU on a full scholarship he worked for. I’m in no way asking for a handout - I just need help finding a place for us to go, especially for the short term.”

These are phone calls we regularly receive now, but they come as no surprise. 

As housing, childcare, and living costs continue to increase, single mothers now face a new crisis – homelessness and hopelessness. Inflation is singling single mothers and their children out of their homes, schools, and away from family support. 

Confidence is Lost

With this frightening reality, many single mothers are feeling desperate, isolated, and fatigued with limited options. Essentially, they are facing a compounded confidence crisis. Being a single parent is a crisis on its own, but now add in having to single handedly face the same economic troubles couples are facing together. All of this takes an emotional toll, which impacts their children. 

What About the Kids?

When a mother feels an overwhelming lack of confidence, those emotions play out in different ways. The problem is that her kids feel the negative impact of her actions. Her struggle may lead to:

  • Becoming short-tempered with her kids

  • Emotionally detaching, not engaging in her children’s lives

  • Actively seeking out unhealthy dependencies or relationships

  • Kids become confused and lack coping skills 

  • Kids feel insecure, vulnerable, not loved, and not safe

Now more than ever, children’s mental health is in severe crisis, which is understandable. So, where do we go from here? 

There is Hope

Our mission at Shepherd’s Village is to help single mothers and their children face their future with confidence. Whether a mother is in crisis or needs extra support, our resources are designed to help single mothers thrive. 

  • It’s A Single Mom Thing Podcast - A show for single moms by single moms. We offer information and inspiration to encourage every single mom. It may be a single mom thing, but it is not the single thing that is going to stop her. 

  • Shepherd’s Village University - Self-paced. Free. Faith-Focused e-learning center designed to equip and strengthen today’s single mothers. 

  • Bi-Monthly Classes - Held at the Learning Center on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 6:30 pm. Topics vary from managing your money to healthy co-parenting, rebuilding after divorce, and even resume building. We cover it all!

  • Learning Center - Gain mentorship, life coaching, and career counseling by appointment. We even offer referrals for mental health services.

  • Facebook Group - Build relationships with single mothers who can provide daily encouragement. 

The most valuable thing any single mother can do right now is grow in her faith by getting plugged into a local church. Church family will come alongside her while also providing access to classes, resources, and studies that will pour into her and her children. There is no better way to build community and get connected. 
We know the extreme challenges single moms are facing in today’s society. Our village welcomes all with open arms, and we are ready to provide healing, hope, and prayer to those in need. Confidence may dwindle, but it can return. It is possible.


Our Mission Continues


Changing Two Generations at One Time: Carissa’s Story